Thursday, September 20, 2018


Keep It Simple When Training Pitchers

In an age where technology prevails, we sometimes make things a little too complicated.
We occasionally have to remind pitchers that their job is very simple. So, I created a few sayings to keep it in perspective.

There is always the debate about which is more important, speed or movement.
The easy answer: “The purpose of speed is to force a batter to make a quick decision. The purpose of movement is to make them regret that decision.”

Which is more important, speed or accuracy?
The easy answer is this. “If all parts of the body are firing in the most dynamic ways, in perfect sync, you will be faster AND you will be more accurate.” If speeding up the movement harms accuracy, your form probably needs serious attention.

Which pitches are best, up and down, or side to side? There are very successful pitchers in either category. See the strike zone as a box, sort of like they use on TV broadcasts of Major League Baseball. “Your job is to throw pitches that look like they will be in the box but suddenly move out of it, or throw pitches that seem to be outside the box but suddenly break into it.”


Pictured on left, from top,
sophomore #25 P Dori Loukopoulos 

(Chambersburg, PA), 
sophomore #4 P Abbey Mayse (Cecilton, MD).