Monday, September 10, 2018



“Every individual action inside softball is an explosive action. Throwing, hitting, quick swing movements, jumps off the bases and other things inside the ground is all about explosive. Furthermore, softball players need throwing as well as acceleration strength…

“Players involved in sports just like softball typically feel superior about themselves, both emotionally and socially. Doing improvement in skills and gradually achieving ambitions help develop confidence, reduce tension...

“Total Body Conditioning...

Strength & Aerobic Benefits...

“Chest & Upper Muscles Development...

“Mid As Well As Lower Body Conditioning...

From left, Wesley Wolverines
sophomore #1 IF Bianca Newsom (Edison, NJ),
sophomore #5 U Amanda Curry (Williamsport, MD).

Flexibility Required For Softball...

Burns Calorie(s) Consumption...

“Improves Self-Esteem...

Mental Health Benefits...

“Teaches Teamwork...

From left, Wesley Wolverines
senior #13 IF Ashley Royer (Lititz, PA),
sophomore #32 OF Kelly Palmer (Hershey, PA).

“Advance Leadership Skills...

“Develop Time Management Skills...

“Deal with Adversity...

“Learn Goal Setting...”

Wesley Wolverine junior #2 IF Karina Cardona (Cooper City, FL).